Fallout 76 perks

Your ranged weapons do +12% weak spot damage.
You do +20% ranged damage to close enemies.
Gain more XP while on a team based on your CHA.
Overly Generous
Rads increase your chance to inflict 50 Rads with melee attacks!
Travel Agent
You pay 30% fewer Caps when Fast Traveling.
Moral Support
When on a team, you become feral 50% slower.
Glowing One
Holding Large amounts of Glow provides greater Glow to nearby ghouls on your team.
Increased Disease Resistance based on END.
Adamantium Skeleton
Gain Limb Damage Reduction based on your END.
Rad Resistant
Gain Radiation Resistance based on your END.
You no longer take Rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater.
Blocking a melee attack restores 4 HP and 4 AP for 15 seconds.
Power User
Fusion Core duration is now doubled.
Demolition Expert
Your explosives do +60% damage.
Science Monster
While you have Glow, gain 15% bonus damage for 10 seconds upon getting hit.
Last Laugh
You drop a live grenade from your inventory when you die.
Gain 4 HP per second while in combat.
Faulty Spots
Weak point damage is increased by 15%.
Concentrated Fire
Focus fire to gain high accuracy and +3% damage per shot.
Fire in the Hole
See a throwing arc when tossing thrown weapons, and they fly 50% further.
Your explosives detonate with twice the radius.
Breathe It In
Rad Resistance is reduced by 150.
Glowing Hunter
Traces of glowing blood now have a 50% chance to appear on animal corpses.
What Rads?
+300 Rad Resist, restore 6 Rads per second.
Brick Wall
When your Glow is high, makes you immune to staggering attacks.
Feral Rage
When feral, all Glow perk abilities cost 50% less Glow.
Secret Agent
Stealth Boys last four times as long!
Your Luck is increased by 3 while under the influence of alcohol.
Party Boy
The positive effects of pre-war alcohol are tripled.
Gain Damage & Energy Resistance based on your CHA and number of teammates.
Happy Camper
Hunger and thirst grow 80% slower when in camp or in a team workshop.
Restore much more of your team's hunger and thirst when you eat or drink.
Team Medic
Your stimpaks now also heal nearby teammates for their full strength.
Professional Drinker
There's no chance you'll get addicted to alcohol.
Armor provides 25% more protection. Double if wearing a matching set.
Chem Fiend
Any chems you take last 100% longer.
Lead Belly
You take less radiation from eating or drinking based on your END.
Slow Metabolizer
All food satisfies hunger by an additional 75%.
All drinks quench thirst by an additional 75%.
Hydro Fix
Chems no longer generate thirst.
Chem Resistant
You gain complete immunity to chem addiction.
Bloodpacks and Cannibal now satisfy thirst, no longer irradiate, and heal twice as much.
Munchy Resistance
Chems now never induce hunger.
Cola Nut
Nuka-Cola drinks are now three times as beneficial.
All Night Long
The positive effects of pre-war alcohol last twice as long.
Good Doggy
Eating dog food is now three times as beneficial.
Benefits of being Well Fed or Hydrated are further increased when you have less than 10% RADS.
Glowing Gut
Irradiated food and drink grant 300% more rads.
Chem Diet
Chems are 75% more effective at reducing how feral you are.
Field Surgeon
Stimpaks and RadAway heal 60% faster.
RadAway removes more radiation based on your INT.
First Aid
Stimpaks restore more HP based on your INT.
Rad Specialist
Increase Rad intake by 25% on Armor & Power Armor, Double if wearing a matching set.
Mystery Meat
Stimpaks generate excessive, edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance.
The benefits of bobbleheads and magazines last twice as long.
Dry Nurse
You have a 50% chance to keep your Stimpak when you revive another player.
Good With Salt
Food in your inventory will spoil 90% slower.
Gain Damage Resistance based on your STR. Doubled when not wearing armor.
Gain +10% (max 60%) damage for 30s per kill. Duration refreshes with kills.
Gunslinger Master
Gain Onslaught stacks over time and spend them on attacks, +10 max stacks.
Gunslinger Expert
+1% ranged weak spot damage per Onslaught stack, +3 max stacks.
Guerrilla Expert
+1% reload speed per Onslaught stack, +3 max stacks.
Guerrilla Master
+5% ranged damage to close enemies per Onslaught stack, +5 max stacks.
Gun Tricks
Your enhanced reflexes allow you to reload weapons 30% faster.
Each attack makes your target take increased damage.
Reduce your target's damage output by 30% for 2 seconds after you attack.
Friendly Fire
Teammates hit by your flame weapons regen even more health (no grenades).
Feral Presence
While Feral, Reduce your target's damage output by 30% after you attack for 5 seconds.
Gain a +50% damage bonus for 2 minutes when a player revives you.
Far-Flung Fireworks
Enemies killed with a ranged weapon have a 20% chance to explode.
Detonation Contagion
Enemies killed with a thrown explosive have a 50% chance to explode.
Radiation Power
Expend a small amount of Glow per hit to deal 20% bonus damage to targets.
Action Diet
On kills, heal 8 HP and reduce how feral you are by 5%.
Nerd Rage!
While below 20% Health, gain 40 Damage Resist, 20% damage and 15% AP regen.
Craft Rank 1 energy weapons mods, energy damage gains+10% Bonus. (Plans required)
Science Expert
Crafting energy guns cost fewer materials and energy damage gains +10% bonus.
Science Master
Crafted energy guns have improved durability and energy damage gains +10% bonus.
Mad Scientist
Energy Weapons expend a small amount of Glow per attack for +20% Damage .
Bomb Scientist
Expending Glow makes your thrown grenades' deal +50% damage.
Bloody Mess
15% bonus damage means enemies may explode into a gory red paste.
Quick Hands
Gain a 18% chance to instantly reload when your clip is empty.
Wild West Hands
36% chance to instantly reload your entire magazine when empty.
Gain improved control and hold your breath 75% longer while aiming scopes.
Your attacks ignore 75% armor of any insect.
Glow Sight
Deal +60% damage to Glowing Enemies.
Eye of the Hunter
Your vision grants you +30% accuracy in V.A.T.S. from a very long distance.
Dealing non-automatic melee damage provides a small amount of Glow.
Gun bashing does +50% damage with a 10% chance to cripple your opponent.
Wrecking Ball
You deal +100% damage to objects and now damage your own objects.
Arms of Steel
Your sturdy arms allow you to handle ranged weapons better, increasing accuracy by 30%
Bone shatterer
Your melee weapon attacks have a 45% chance to cripple a limb.