Fallout 76-Perks-Cannibal

Fallout 76 perk

Feast on mortal flesh to heal your wounds!


Eating human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores Health and hunger.


This is an approximation of the in-game effects. Some effects may be missing, incorrect, or poorly formatted, but they can often provide additional information about hidden mechanics.
's activate:
if Char's GetSitting = undefined and
if Char's GetTypeCommandPerforming = undefined and
if Char's wears-ArmorTypePower = 0
if Char's GetIsPlayer = undefined and
if Char's HasBeenEaten = undefined and
if Char's GetDead = 1 and
if Char's keywords does not include ImmuneToCannibalKeyword and
if Enemy's keywords does not include Scorchbeast and
if Char's GetIsRace eq-or 1 or
if Enemy's keywords includes SuperMutant or
if Enemy's keywords includes FeralGhoul or
if Enemy's keywords includes MoleMiner or
if Enemy's keywords includes Human or
if Enemy's keywords includes Ghoul
's activate:
if Char's GetSitting = undefined and
if Char's GetTypeCommandPerforming = undefined and
if Char's wears-ArmorTypePower = 0
if Char's GetIsPlayer = 1 and
if Char's HasBeenEaten = undefined and
if Char's is-bleeding-out = 1 and
if Char's IsPlayerTeammate = undefined
More endurance perks