Bow Before MeFallout 76 perk
Your arrows always hit where their armor isn't.
Your bows and crossbows ignore 12% armor and have a 3% chance to stagger.
Your bows and crossbows ignore 24% armor and have a 6% chance to stagger.
Your bows and crossbows ignore 36% armor and have a 9% chance to stagger.
This is an approximation of the in-game effects. Some effects may be missing, incorrect, or poorly formatted, but they can often provide additional information about hidden mechanics.
Weapon's apply-combat-hit-spell:
if Char's random-percent <= 3
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeBow
Weapon's target-damage-resistance:
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeBow
Weapon's apply-combat-hit-spell:
if Char's random-percent <= 6
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeBow
Weapon's target-damage-resistance:
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeBow
Weapon's apply-combat-hit-spell:
if Char's random-percent <= 9
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeBow
Weapon's target-damage-resistance:
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeBow
More bows perks
More perception perks