Bone shattererFallout 76 perk
'Its like breaking Glass!'
Your melee weapon attacks have a 15% chance to cripple a limb.
Your melee weapon attacks have a 30% chance to cripple a limb.
Your melee weapon attacks have a 45% chance to cripple a limb.
This is an approximation of the in-game effects. Some effects may be missing, incorrect, or poorly formatted, but they can often provide additional information about hidden mechanics.
Weapon's outgoing-limb-damage:
if Char's is-ghoul = 1 and
if Char's random-percent <= 15
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeMeleeGeneral and
if Weapon's keywords does not include WeaponTypeRanged
Weapon's outgoing-limb-damage:
if Char's is-ghoul = 1 and
if Char's random-percent <= 30
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeMeleeGeneral and
if Weapon's keywords does not include WeaponTypeRanged
Weapon's outgoing-limb-damage:
if Char's is-ghoul = 1 and
if Char's random-percent <= 15
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeMeleeGeneral and
if Weapon's keywords does not include WeaponTypeRanged
Weapon's outgoing-limb-damage:
if Char's is-ghoul = 1 and
if Char's random-percent <= 45
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeMeleeGeneral and
if Weapon's keywords does not include WeaponTypeRanged
Weapon's outgoing-limb-damage:
if Char's is-ghoul = 1 and
if Char's random-percent <= 30
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeMeleeGeneral and
if Weapon's keywords does not include WeaponTypeRanged
Weapon's outgoing-limb-damage:
if Char's is-ghoul = 1 and
if Char's random-percent <= 15
if Weapon's keywords includes WeaponTypeMeleeGeneral and
if Weapon's keywords does not include WeaponTypeRanged
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