Fallout 76-Perks-Robotics Expert

Robotics Expert
Fallout 76 perk

Machines will always serve humans, if you have anything to say about it.


Hack an enemy robot for a 25% chance to pacify it.
Hack an enemy robot for a 50% chance to pacify it.
Hack an enemy robot for a 75% chance to pacify it.


This is an approximation of the in-game effects. Some effects may be missing, incorrect, or poorly formatted, but they can often provide additional information about hidden mechanics.
's activate:
if Char's robotics-expert-rank = 1
if Char's LevelMinusPCLevel <= undefined and
if Char's HasActiveMagicEffect = undefined and
if Char's IsTalkingActivatorActor = undefined and
if Char's GetDistance < 128 and
if Char's keywords neq HasVendorInteractChoiceKeyword and
if Char's keywords neq perkRoboticsExpertImmune and
if Enemy's keywords includes Robot and
if Char's GetDead = undefined
's activate:
if Char's robotics-expert-rank = 1
if Char's LevelMinusPCLevel <= undefined and
if Char's HasActiveMagicEffect = undefined and
if Char's IsTalkingActivatorActor = undefined and
if Char's GetDistance < 128 and
if Char's keywords neq HasVendorInteractChoiceKeyword and
if Char's keywords neq perkRoboticsExpertImmune and
if Enemy's keywords includes Robot and
if Char's GetDead = undefined
's activate:
if Char's robotics-expert-rank = 1
if Char's LevelMinusPCLevel <= undefined and
if Char's HasActiveMagicEffect = undefined and
if Char's IsTalkingActivatorActor = undefined and
if Char's GetDistance < 128 and
if Char's keywords neq HasVendorInteractChoiceKeyword and
if Char's keywords neq perkRoboticsExpertImmune and
if Enemy's keywords includes Robot and
if Char's GetDead = undefined
More manipulation perks
More intelligence perks