
Starfield powers

Anti-Gravity Field
Generate a localized field of intense low gravity, and behold a planet's true power.
Personal Atmosphere
Oxygen, pure and clean, brought forth to breathe deep and counteract harmful carbon dioxide.
Gravity Wave
Launches a gravity wave in a cone ahead of you that staggers and knocks down enemies.
Sense Star Stuff
Bind yourself to the particles of creation, sensing the life force of any human, alien, or [redacted].
Look into the multiverse and visualize the future actions of actors, conversational and otherwise.
Grav Dash
Manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.
Creators' Peace
Pacifies all enemies in an area and disarms them for a duration.
Solar Flare
Emit an intense burst of solar energy that damages enemies and can set them ablaze.
Reactive Shield
Envelop yourself in a metastable shell of antimatter that reflects projectiles and increases your resistance to attacks.
Alien Reanimation
Resurrects a dead alien to fight alongside you for a duration.
Void Form
Warp the light around you, becoming nearly invisible for a duration.
Parallel Self
Summon another version of you from an alternate dimension for a duration.
Moon Form
Become as strong as stone, rooting yourself in place and increasing your resistance to all damages greatly.
Explode with the power of a supernova in an area around you, dealing massive damage.
Elemental Pull
Blasts inorganic resources in an area around you and pulls them towards you.
Sunless Space
Shoot a ball of ice as cold as space into an area, freezing any living being caught in the blast for a duration.
Life Forced
Drain the life force out of a living being and transfer it to yourself.
Change the gravity around you to Earth gravity levels for a duration.
Inner Demon
Force an enemy to confront their inner demons, creating a mirror image of themselves that attacks them.
Gravity Well
Create an area of dense gravity that pulls in and crushes everything and everyone in around it.
Create Vacuum
Gut the O2 supply of targets in the area for a duration.
Phased Time
Phase through the normal flow of time and slow down the universe for a duration.
Eternal Harvest
Regrows flora that has been harvested in a large area around you.